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Key binding


By default, Atuin will rebind both Ctrl-r and the up arrow.

You can also disable either the up-arrow or Ctrl-r bindings individually, by passing --disable-up-arrow or --disable-ctrl-r to the call to atuin init:

# Bind ctrl-r but not up arrow
eval "$(atuin init zsh --disable-up-arrow)"

# Bind up-arrow but not ctrl-r
eval "$(atuin init zsh --disable-ctrl-r)"

If you do not want either key to be bound, either pass both --disable arguments, or set the environment varuable ATUIN_NOBIND to any value before the call to atuin init:

## Do not bind any keys
# Either:
eval "$(atuin init zsh --disable-up-arrow --disable-ctrl-r)"

# Or:
export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
eval "$(atuin init zsh)"

You can then choose to bind Atuin if needed, do this after the call to init.


Atuin defines the ZLE widget "_atuin_search_widget"

export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
eval "$(atuin init zsh)"

bindkey '^r' _atuin_search_widget

# depends on terminal mode
bindkey '^[[A' _atuin_search_widget
bindkey '^[OA' _atuin_search_widget


export ATUIN_NOBIND="true"
eval "$(atuin init bash)"

# bind to ctrl-r, add any other bindings you want here too
bind -x '"\C-r": __atuin_history'


set -gx ATUIN_NOBIND "true"
atuin init fish | source

# bind to ctrl-r in normal and insert mode, add any other bindings you want here too
bind \cr _atuin_search
bind -M insert \cr _atuin_search

Atuin UI shortcuts

ctrl + rCycle through filter modes
ctrl + sCycle through search modes
alt + 1 to alt + 9Select item by the number located near it
ctrl + c / ctrl + d / ctrl + g / escReturn original
ctrl + ← / alt + bMove the cursor to the previous word
ctrl + h / ctrl + b / ←Move the cursor to the left
ctrl + → / alt + fMove the cursor to the next word
ctrl + l / ctrl + f / →Move the cursor to the right
ctrl + a / homeMove the cursor to the start of the line
ctrl + e / endMove the cursor to the end of the line
ctrl + backspace / ctrl + alt + backspaceRemove the previous word / remove the word just before the cursor
ctrl + delete / ctrl + alt + deleteRemove the next word or the word just after the cursor
ctrl + wRemove the word before the cursor even if it spans across the word boundaries
ctrl + uClear the current line
ctrl + n / ctrl + jSelect the next item on the list
ctrl + p / ctrl + k / up arrowSelect the previous item on the list
page downScroll search results one page down
page upScroll search results one page up
enterSelect highlighted item
Return original or return query depending on settings if no entries are found, or select the next item on the list